Campaign Manager - Application Admin

Email Manager Account Links

Email Manager Account Links facilitate the connection between Campaign Manager and Email Manager for the purpose of deploying emails through Campaign Manager and downloading email response data to Campaign Managerfor triggering, reporting and analytics, as well as acting as the connection for intra-day updates to Email Preference and GDC data collection tables in Campaign Manager.

Multiple Email Manager accounts can be assigned to one Campaign Manager client. However, multiple accounts are limited to one Email Manager URL for a specific client. For example, this Email Manager URL is contains multiple accounts for this client: Maia Bank, Maia Travel and Maia Insurance. All three email accounts can be available to the marketer within Campaign Manager. To create new account links, connect to Email Manager using the System Administrator (SA) credentials.

Note: The Email Manager URL is supplied at point of installation by the deployer. For more information refer to the Campaign ManagerInstallation Guide.

Email Manager Account Links are structured in a Tree View with the highest level folder representing an Email Manager client.

Campaign Manager users who use the Email Manager account links can see the Email Manager collateral based on the configured Email Manager user's permissions.

There are two types of Account Link:

EM Account Link for use in Campaign Tactics

This is the link visible in the 'Send a Message' tactic. The link created is associated with an Email Manager user who then drives the view of creative users can access based on the permission of the associated Email manager user. The link creates a two way connection for deploying emails to Email Manager and collecting the events back to Campaign Manager.

EM Account Link for EM originated Event data download

Allows the download of event data, both contact and responses, where the contact originated via an Email Manager deployment and not a Campaign Managertactic. The purpose of this data download is to add that data to Campaign Manager's Campaign History to allow event analysis to be done either within the Dashboards or by the standard Campaign Manager reporting tools. The EM account link downloads all event data for an Email Manager account regardless of the Email Manager user that deployed it, so the link does not need to be associated with a specific Email Manager user. When configuring the data download, there is an option to create this in its own set of Contact and Response tables. Or you can insert it into an existing set of History tables created by data deployed via a Campaign Manager Key.

The EM account link downloads events for analysis however, it is presumed that users of EM native data will monitor real-time activity in the EM Deployment Manager. These links are not available in Campaign Activity Monitor.

Note: This functionality allows the combination of Campaign Manager and Email Manager Contact and Response data to a single set of tables, but it is the responsibility of the administrator to ensure that the data is suitable for combining to a single key.
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